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 Berichtonderwerp: Re: Circusdieren in Rusland
BerichtGeplaatst: wo jul 21, 2021 3:46 pm 

Lid geworden op: do jul 21, 2011 3:38 pm
Berichten: 9579
Beetje jammer dat je dit in deze rubriek plaatste, de bedoeling was juist te laten zien hoe het wel goed kan gaan met deze mooie dieren in Rusland!

Maar gedane zaken nemen geen keer.
Koren op de molen van de zeer actieve dierenactivisten aldaar, die het 'nieuws' groot brachten en dan nemen veel media, waaronder dus het Belgische Nieuwsblad, het klakkeloos over.....

(Alleen met de plaatsnaam gingen ze de fout in, iets goed overnemen is soms kennelijk toch nog lastig!
Het gebeurde namelijk in Berezovski in de regio Kemerovo, bij het Harlequin Travelling Circus.
Er zijn overigens meer circussen met de naam Harlequin.)

Bron is zo goed als altijd The Siberian Times, een medium van de activisten.

En dus ook te vinden in het Engelse Mirror: ... s-24565139
Met filmpje.

Bear forced to perform in circus mauls trainer
in front of horrified crowd

The incident happened at the Harlequin Travelling Circus in Berezovsky, Kemerovo, Russia.
Footage recorded at the scene shows there was no fence to separate the audience from the animals and performers.

A bear forced to perform in a circus act turned on a female trainer, mauling her in front of a horrified crowd.

A shocking clip recorded by an audience member shows the animal clawing at the woman's leg while children and parents watch on.

In the video, the brown bear can be seen grabbing the trainer and holding her foot while she tries to move away.

Two male trainers then move the bear away and try to make it perform at the circus, but the animal then attacks the woman again.

The wild animal - dressed in a hat and glittering scarf - kept pulling the woman's foot as she fell on the floor.

A brown bear attacked a female trainer during a travelling circus performance.

Some reports say there was a third attack but still the show did not stop, although only two attacks can be seen in the clip.

The incident happened at the Harlequin Travelling Circus in Berezovsky, Kemerovo, Russia.

Footage recorded at the scene shows there was no fence to separate the audience from the animals and performers.

It is believed the woman did not seek medical treatment after being attacked.

The incident happened on Saturday.

The circus is famed for dressing bears in human clothes with some wearing tutus and “prides itself on humane training of the animals”.

The Russian Investigative Committee is studying the incident on Saturday to check whether there were safety breaches during the performance.

The Harlequin Travelling Circus later denied there had been an attack, despite the video evidence.

The circus is known for dressing up animals.

A spokesman told Mash Siberia: “There was no incident whatsoever.

“Simply speaking, bears are now in mating season.”

The circus promises “an unforgettable large-scale performance with a wide variety of animals” to “surprise every city in Russia”.

Its website says: “The artists present a symbiosis of training, clownery and high-class stunts in the circus ring.”

Tickets were priced at 500 roubles, the equivalent of £4.90.

There was no fence between the ring and the public.

Irina Novozhilova, of animal rights group VITA, has called for the prohibition of all circuses with live animals, which remain popular across Russia.

“No circus conditions will be humane for one simple reason,” she said.

“Training goes hand in hand with cruelty

“Circuses are always cruel beyond limits. And circuses with animals should be banned.”

En ook goed tellen valt nog niet mee, ik telde wel degelijk drie 'aanvallen' in het eerste filmpje.

 Berichtonderwerp: Re: Circusdieren in Rusland
BerichtGeplaatst: wo jul 21, 2021 4:01 pm 

Lid geworden op: zo okt 26, 2008 7:47 pm
Berichten: 5642
Locatie: Belgie
Dergelijk nieuws is niet leuk natuurlijk, maar de realiteit is de realiteit.
Hopen maar dat de kwetsuren niet te erg waren,
Zowel voor de dompteur als de beer backstage.

Laatst gewijzigd door Circusboy op wo jul 21, 2021 4:04 pm, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.

 Berichtonderwerp: Re: Circusdieren in Rusland
BerichtGeplaatst: wo jul 21, 2021 4:03 pm 

Lid geworden op: do jul 21, 2011 3:38 pm
Berichten: 9579
Met je eens, maar daarom beter niet in een rubriek te plaatsen.

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