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BerichtGeplaatst: ma jul 29, 2019 5:11 pm 

Lid geworden op: do jul 21, 2011 3:38 pm
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Hi guys as you may or may not know the British government are banning animals in circuses.
The animal rights movement are determined to stop all animal - human contact and I and many others that love animals find this very worrying.
I often hear the excuse that “times have changed” “this is a new era” circuses, zoos and animals in human care are not relevant in this day and age.
That is wrong, every facility that can care for animals properly and provide an environment where animals can eat, sleep and reproduce in comfort have healthy and content animals.
What is no longer relevant is the argument that animals should not be in human care, that argument is finished we can no longer be so naive
and ignorant to think that there are vast areas all over the world for all animals to live.
We as a human race have destroyed most wild places, so now animals need our help to survive.
So the argument that animals should not be in human care is redundant it’s finished, what we should be concentrating on now is discussing the best ways to look after animals in human care.
The amazing Steve Irwin said it best
“if we can touch people about wild life then they want to save it”
That means when people experience animals up close when they see them with their own eyes then they become passionate about protecting them.
This constant push by the animal rights groups to ban facilities that can afford to care for animals properly does nothing for the animals it just means one less place for them to survive.
That means it is so important to support good well run zoos, circuses, parks and the people that dedicate their lives so selflessly to these animals.
This current ban will be go through based on ethical grounds and will be a huge win for the animal rights movement.
It will be the first step yet a massive leap towards banning all animal - human contact worldwide.
It may sound extreme but it’s true.
It’s so so important to fight this ban not just for circus but for everyone that loves and works with animals wild or domestic in all walks of life.
20 years ago most people you asked would have said circus isn’t a circus without animals.
But with their exaggerated claims of abuse and mocked up video footage aswell as set ups. Animals rights groups have changed that.
If you were in a debate now with one of those activists and they asked you - do you think it’s right we should ride horses for our benefit with out the horses consent
or use guide dogs for the blind without their consent.
You would probably disagree but you would think about it for a moment!!
It’s that spilt second where you stop to think about it, that is what proves they have already began to make people think perhaps it is wrong.
It won’t be long before the next couple of generations will think it BARBARIC and CRUEL (words the activists like to use)
to ride horses or keep pet dogs and cats in the home in an “unnatural environment”
I absolutely refuse to be told by people not in the know, that have never worked or trained a lion or a tiger claim that it’s cruel,
I know tigers and lions better than any uneducated activist up to the highest academic that works in the animal field.
Why? Because I have worked hands on with these cats for over 30 years.
And there are lots of us all over the world that work closely with animals (hands on),
police dogs, guide dogs for the blind, falconers, zoo keepers, horse trainers even Shepard’s.
We know the needs of our animals and what makes them content.
But every single one of us has to put up with this constant abuse and and slander that fuels the whole misinformed over opinionated animal rights movement.
So when I’m told the fight is over I say no the fight isn’t lost because there are too many of us that refuse to let it be.

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